Medication preparation in times of emergency

photo of a first aid kit

Natural disasters can be unpredictable but planning for them doesn't have to be. No matter the circumstance, there are steps you can take to prepare yourself. Prescription medications are part of the preparation that often is overlooked. We are here to help.

Making a plan is the best way to prepare for an emergency.

Here are some tips to prepare yourself:

  • Make a plan: Discuss your medication disaster plan with your doctor, especially if your medication has special shipping or electronic equipment requirements. Also, discuss plans for your child’s medication with your child’s daycare provider or school.
  • Order early: If you are aware of an upcoming storm, consider using Home Delivery, which will provide you with a 90-day supply of medication. We can also ship your medication to a temporary address.
  • Make a medication list: Keep an updated list of all medications, dosages, and phone numbers for your doctors and pharmacies in a waterproof bag or container.
  • Keep your medications together: Keep medications in original containers with original labels and place prescription bottles in a waterproof bag or container.
  • Prepare for special needs: If your medication requires refrigeration or electronic equipment, have a plan for temporary storage and usage.
  • Maintain an emergency healthcare kit: Keep a safety kit stocked with any nonprescription medications you may need such as pain relievers, cold medications, and medicine to relieve stomach pain.

If you’ve been through an emergency, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Medication safety: Inspect your medication to see if the look or smell of it has changed, as unusual weather can harm the drugs. If you are unsure about its safety, contact a local pharmacist or healthcare provider.
  • Lost or damaged: If your medication is lost or damaged, you may obtain an emergency supply at a Network Pharmacy or military pharmacy. Use the Find a Pharmacy tool to locate a pharmacy in your area. Enter your ZIP code or city, state abbreviation. (Example: Jacksonville, FL)
  • Skipping doses: If you haven’t been able to take your medication, contact a pharmacist or doctor as soon as possible even if you’re not experiencing any negative health effects. Never take additional doses to make up for those you’ve missed before talking to a healthcare professional.

How we act in face of disaster:

Express Scripts values serving our patients with speed and purpose. In September of 2017, Hurricanes Maria and Irma hit Puerto Rico and had devastating effects. Patients struggled to get access to their necessary medications. The Express Scripts team took immediate action to provide relief for the hurricane victims and provided their medications. We led with purpose, and were able to support our patients in a moment of adversity.

Express Scripts implements emergency procedures in areas with states of emergency to make sure you get your medication. You can get the information you need by checking the alerts that are posted on our website. We also alert our beneficiaries about upcoming emergencies through phone or email.

A disaster can occur at any time without warning. Taking proper precautions can prove to be critical in times of an emergency. Express Scripts is dedicated to supporting our 9.4 million TRICARE beneficiaries during emergencies and every day.

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