Protect your health with TRICARE covered vaccines

Keep you and your family healthy with safe and convenient vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Your TRICARE pharmacy benefit covers vaccines for viruses like flu, shingles, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and allows you to choose where to get vaccinated. You can even get covered vaccines for free at in-network retail pharmacies when administered by a pharmacist.
According to the CDC, the flu vaccination may reduce the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population, so it is recommended that all age groups six months and older receive a flu vaccine by the end of October. The vaccine may still reduce risk of flu illness even if you wait until after October.
Where can I get vaccinated?
Your TRICARE benefit offers you and your covered family members multiple options to get vaccinated.
- In-network retail pharmacies. Visit to find an in-network retail pharmacy near you.
- Military immunization clinic. Find a military hospital or clinic that offers vaccinations.
- Civilian and TRICARE-authorized providers. Contact your provider or see a TRICARE-authorized provider at a participating network clinic. If you choose one of these options, you may have a copayment or cost-share for the visit, or other services received during the office visit.
Prior to your visit, it is important to contact the pharmacy to confirm the availability of the vaccine that you plan to get and ensure that it will be administered by a pharmacist. Do not forget to bring your military ID card at the time of service.
To review a full list of covered vaccines, visit
Published 9/11/2024.